A Message From Deb
Hi, I'm Debbie Jordan-Kauble. Thank you for visiting my web location ..
It is my commitment to try to provide you, one of OUR "abductees"
to this web location with accurate and timely UFO related information, as
well as try to make some sense of the huge quantity of information and disinformation
available on the WEB and in the general news media. Because of you, I believe
we are making this project a success! I have received tons of e-mail from
all over the world as a result of these pages.
This location has added research information which is not derived from other
news sources, as well as from other news sources. Great effort is being
made to provide credit (or blame, if you disagree with the information)
to the original news source.
Now I'd like to ask a favor of you. You have been writing me with information
about your research and about all the sightings you're having in your area.
I want to begin publishing your letters on the page! I want to share the
information you're sending me with everyone so we'll all benefit from each
other's work.. We'll choose one or two letters each week for publication
on the page. I will be looking at how up-to-date, informative and accurate
the information is and I will do all I can to verify the information you
send me. I will give credit when desired, or anonimity when desired. Please
be sure to include in your letter details about who you are and an e-mail
address where others can respond to your letter if you desire known authorship.
This is the first step towards our ultimate goal of establishing "chat"
here at the UFO Research Information Clearinghouse, aka: Debs. I hope you'll
help us make this site even more informative by dropping me a note today!
Please check our location regularly. We update regularly, as UFO information
seems to be on the increase, and the public national media tends to overlook
much of it. We will try to provide the in-depth look at pertinent occurrances
in a timely and accurate manner.
--Debbie Jordan-Kauble 5/23/1996
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